Sharepoint 2013 Workflow Service Is Not Configured On The Server

  1. Sharepoint 2013 Create A Workflow
  2. Sharepoint 2013 Workflow Service Is Not Configured On The Server Instance
  3. Sharepoint Workflow Not Working

By default, in SharePoint 2013, Workflow Manager Service is not configured. Workflow Manager Service has to be downloaded, installed and configured manually before it can be used in SP 2013. Here is a step by step walk-through. The SharePoint 2013 Workflow platform is not supported in SharePoint Foundation 2013. Goto Configure Workflow Manager to work with the SharePoint Server 2013 farm within the link below. Above is step by step tutorial to get it working!

We had an issue where Workflow manager proxy is not working and getting the following error

“SharePoint 2013 workflow requires a compatible workflow service configured with SharePoint such as Workflow Manager. The workflow service is either not installed or not configured.” Like this

I am not sure who it happens, we did some certificate update and all of sudden this happen.


I decide to run the Register-SPworkflowService one time to register the proxy. But I ends up with the following error:


“Register-SPWorkflowService : Failed to register because the farm or partition is already registered with a workflow service

At line:1 char:1
+ Register-SPWorkflowService -SPSite
“ …
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share…WorkflowService:
RegisterSPWorkflowService) [Register-SPWorkflowService], ConfigurationExce ption + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowServices.PowerShell
.RegisterSPWorkflowService ”

I run the command with –Force parameter, this time, is successfully completed but still I am getting the same error in the Central admin.

Sharepoint workflow not working

Sharepoint 2013 Create A Workflow



Sharepoint 2013 Workflow Service Is Not Configured On The Server Instance

Clearly, we have to unregister and re-register the Workflow Proxy.

Sharepoint Workflow Not Working

  • Un-Register Workflow proxy
    • Go to Central Admin > Application Management > Manage Service Application > Click on the Workflow Service Application Proxy
    • Select it and from Ribbon click delete
  • Register the Workflow Proxy
    • Now run the Register-SPWorkflowService in the PowerShell window, I would recommend to use –Force parameter.