- This build is available to install from the Wookie Wizard Community Builds so please check out our other videos on how. 🔥KODI 17.6 🔥BEST BUILDS🔥FAST BUILDS🔥APRIL 2018🔥COBALT.
- Alternate Kodi Addons for Kodi Player 18/17.6Latest Update: Top Kodi Addons Download: Currently, all the Top and Famous Kodi Addons and Repos and Builds like Ares Project, Ares Wizard, Smash Repo, Colossus Repo, Covenant, Bennu and Pulse Build and more of Kodi player are completely down.
The Wookie Wizard is considered as one of the best add-ons for Kodi 17.4 Krypton because it always allows its users to download various different builds and add-ons by the Wookie Wizard. This Wookie Wizard is therefore updated time to time and the speed of downloading it is very fast and good.
Wookie wizard is one of the best and old all in one kodi wizards. The Available menu installs World Add-ons, Wookie, Community Builds & Tools. The Section which named as Install Wookie contains all the famous wookie Builds including New Look, Retro & Wookie Lite both Krtpon and versions of Jarvis.
- 1 How to Install Wookie on Kodi 17.3 Krypton:-
How to Install Wookie on Kodi 17.3 Krypton:-
- Open kodi
- Now Select System & click on File Manager.
- Choose Add Sources
- Press on None.
- Type the web address exactly as http://wookiespmc.com/wiz/ & then tap on Done.
- On the Highlighted box underneath Enter name for this media source . Write Wookie & then hit on Ok.
- Navigate Back to the Home Screen.
- Tap on System.
- Select Add-ons
- Choose Install From the ZIP File
- Now select Wookie.
- Then choose Click Me- Succumb to Wookie.ZIP
- Now wait till the Add-on Enable Notification appears.
Wookie Wizard Kodi is now installed successfully. To use the wookie Addons follow the below given procedure:
- Choose Programs or Apps.
- Select Wookie
- Now you have to select a build to install & allow wizard to install this for you.
Wookie Wizard Builds:- By the use of wookie wizard we have put a lots of Best Kodi Addons for you together so that you might don’t face any kind of difficulties or don’t need to work any hard work for putting together all the addons. This is a very irritating work for putting together everything can be.
Also Check: Ares Wizard
Here we have three kind of Builds for all of you. These builds are good to use . Each and every user has its own favourite build. It will take only a short time of some minutes to try all the Builds with your device. If you don’t know about how to change builds then the team wookie is always available to you for your help. All the wookie Wizards are very simple and easy to use.
The wookie wizard provides three kinds of builds which are as follows:
- Lite Build
- Retro Build
- New look Build
Lite Build:- The Lite Build is comparatively small in the physical size because it has slightly less number of add-ons. Sometimes you have so many choices but you have to select only a few from them. In that type of condition the Lite build is very useful and most popular wookie build. This is most famous among the people that have the devices with limited capability such as older models of boxes, Firesticks, older android operating systems or devices. However we can’t say that these are only the reasons to use the Lite Build . Several people also like the simplicity of this build.
The Addons within the lite build will automatically update. Sometimes it will also happens that it completely removed the addons or install the new addons. Whenever this will happen you need to update the build.
Once Read What is:Kodi Wizard
Retro Build:-
The Retro Build has a great number of fan followings within the world and mostly between the kodi users. A great number of people like it because of it has an addition layer of images that you might navigate through. All the addons find with this build is extremely best and they may have a very strong and good relationship with every addon builders. The Addons available within the Retro Build will updated themselves automatically.
Whenever any issue regarding updated of addons or emerge of any addon will occur then you first need to update your build.
Here Best Addon:Vstream Kodi
New Look Builds:-
Everyone loves New Look Build. It has nothing that you can’t like. A lots of users of wookie Wizard kodi are using New Look Builds as the option of “Go To Build”. Similar to all other builds it also have a great relationship with all the addons. It provides a great collection of best to best addons within the build. The Updates of addon within the build will be automatically done . The Addon builders have a strong bond with the New look build. Sometimes it will also happens that the update process will results in removing of an addon or emerge it. While this may happen, update your build to the latest version. This will take only a few minutes time.

How to Update Wookie on Kodi?
This process will be done in three steps. The first Step is how to get files from your device. The Second Part is how to upload them. And the last and third part is how to upload it on the wookie wizard so that people may download and check your custom build.
- You must have the wookie RSS Feed enabled as https://wizardupdates.wordpress.com/feed/
- You need to use Wookie Splash Screen.
- You must have a clear point of access for wookie so that customers can find them easily.
- You need to absorb sports donkey into the build if you have TV Sections.
- You can’t have any other wizards in Addons List.
- You are limited for 2 GIG upload space.
Wookie Wizard
- Don’t leave your passwords in Addons or you share in with everyone.
- Always initiate with fresh or Your update may be raise to large.
- Check the user data folder. That’s the place where your devices cache kodi info. There are numerous methods to make the updates smaller by removing the old addon data and thumbnails.
- Check Addons Folder & remove Package Folder
- Keep the skins updated , everyone like working links.
Wookie Wizard Kodi 17.6

Can’t Install Wookie Wizard?
Recently the wookie wizard users are facing issues or errors in Wookie Wizard for kodi, The mostly found error in the wookie is “Wookie Wizard is Not Working”. This error is shown due to the Data Cache. So first of all we need to clear data if you facing errors in wookie Wizard by follow the below instructions:
- Open Kodi.
- Proceed to wookie for Kodi addon.
- Here you may find the option as Clear Cache.
- Hit on the option.
- Once completion of cache clearing process than no longer you will find the “Wookie Wizard Not Working” error.